It is now March, which means I only have four months left in this tiny, beautiful country. I was going to write about how spring has sprung, but I looked at the weather forecast for the next week and temperatures are plummeting 30 degrees........
I haven't been doing much besides school. However, last weekend we had two extra days off, so I went to Louvain-La-Neuve with my Belgian friends. We were a group of 8. We walked in first and weren't carded, but when my other friends tried walking in, they couldn't get in because they got carded. I didn't bring my ID card and my other friend was 17, so we couldn't leave. The other girls decided to go home. While I felt bad for them because LLN is about 30 minutes away, I didn't want to ruin my night.
I ended up staying with 3 of my closest school friends and we had a lot of fun. We stayed out until 3am though, and then went back to one of the girl's houses to rest. I had to be up at 8am to catch a bus, and I was dead tired. After such a crazy night and having to wait for two buses, I was ready to go home. I spent the next day recuperating and then I went out to Namur.
I am doing it all over again this weekend, because I have another soirée des rhétos on Saturday. I'm pretty excited for that, my school throws excellent soirées and all of my friends will be there.
I'm thinking about planning trips to Amsterdam and Paris if I get more organized. Other than that, life is pretty normal around here. School does a pretty good job of making things normal. Something cool though: I realized during my socio class today that I understood everything that the students were saying during their presentations, and I didn't have to try ridiculously hard. I've got to go, I'm being called down for dinner.
I'll leave you with some pictures I've taken this week.
View of Namur Train Station from Point Chaud
Spring has, in fact, not sprung.
I walk across this court every day and go downstairs (just left of the dumpsters, fancy, right?) to catch my bus after school. This is the view from the local des rhétos
The empty local des rhétos after school. See where those calendars are hanging up on the opposite wall? That wall was knocked down a few months ago to expand the room. Which means 100 students crammed into a room half the size it is now.
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