Tuesday I had my first English class with 2eme and it was very... interesting. The kids were probably 12 or 13 and had a lot of questions for me to answer, like "Do you play any sports?" "Do you have a favorite pop star?" "Do you like hamburgers and hot dogs?" and they were very disappointed with my answers because I said no to all of them. They also asked if I had a boyfriend and a Facebook. They seemed very enthusiastic though, and I'm hoping I can help them throughout the year.
On Wednesday after French lessons I met up with Prince Cameron (from New Zealand) in Namur for a beer and a couple of waffles (2 1/2 for me! Let's hope I don't gain any weight from that...) and some conversation. We ran into Emma from NY who was a late arrival.
On Thursday I caught up on some much needed sleep. Friday I went to a surprise party for my host sisters' friend, Simon. It was great, Belgians know how to party! There were 25 cases of Jupiler, with 24 bottles in each... that's 600 bottles of beer! There was also a DJ. I've noticed that Belgians all like happy music, and they'll dance to it no matter how old they are. They love to dance and have a good time.
On Saturday I went to the theatre and watched an acrobatic show, Le Cirque Eloize. It was amazing!!!! I was very impressed with all of the different stunts, but I was also stressing out because I was afraid one of the performers was going to get hurt because they were just throwing people around. Thankfully, that didn't happen and I was able to relax after a while. The theatre is gorgeous, and I'm looking forward to the next shows I get to go to with my host family.
On Sunday, my host mom and host sister Louise went to Champion for scouts. I was with a few other "counselors"/leaders who were around my age and we watched over 4-6 year olds and entertained them with a few activities. They're so sweet, but they have so much energy! It was also freezing (not really, but cold enough) and the grass was wet so I was a little miffed. I'm definitely planning ahead next time. I can't wait until my warm clothes get here!!!!!!
Today I went to FIFF - Festival International du Film Francophone - in Namur with my school. A lot of other schools went too, and even other classes of my school. It was great, because I got to sleep in for 30 minutes more than usual! I was with my Sociology class, so we watched two short films on immigrants. The first one had English subtitles (which is great, because I wouldn't have understood it otherwise) and the second didn't, but I still understood it. One ended in a suicide and another in children being taken away by police, so they were a tad depressing.
After, I grabbed a waffle with Kaari (the Finnish student who goes to my school) and then went for some fries with some friends from school. I have no idea what the place was called, but I've been there before and my host sister said they make the best fries in Namur. I also (probably) failed a geography quiz on the countries of Europe. In English it's perfectly easy, but French spelling is weird still! Oh well, gotta love being graduated already.
Before I go, I wanted to share the weirdest thing with you. Everyone wears American or British flags here.... there's a girl in my class who wears an American flag scarf every day, and I see people with british flag phone cases. I don't understand why...
À la prochaine!
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